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1. Reconnect
Christmas and New Year celebrations can be hectic. They often leave families gasping for additional holidays just to recover. Attempting to catch up with all the important people in your life in such a short time means you may just miss some extended family or friends. Planning and committing time in January or the months following to reconnect with those who might feel ‘neglected’ will put you back in the good books. And the bonus is, the catch up will be more relaxed.
2. Plan leave
For those of you who haven’t taken annual leave between Christmas and New Year, the prospect of a holiday awaits. Picture yourself – exploring and adventuring somewhere exotic, lazing on the poolside or relaxing at home with family – plan it, and lock it in.
3. Clear the clutter
The Association for Psychological Science research findings (Tidy Desk or Messy Desk? Each Has Its Benefits) reveals that a clear working space can promote more conscious and healthier eating and generosity. Conversely, a messy work space might assist creative thinking. So, what are your goals and aspirations? Creativity? Organisation? Or productivity? Whatever they might be, allocate time to ‘tidy up’ or ‘set up’ your work space for the best outcomes.
4. Share a cherished thing
Are you clearing out at work and clearing out at home? While doing so, you may come across personal sentimental items. Think about siblings, children or grandchildren who would see value in these things. Gifting such personal things can be a lovely gesture. Just don’t forget to share the item along with the story behind it. If you need some inspiration, check out our Cherished Things video series featuring local Victorians sharing their most cherished items with their loved ones.
5. Budget
From the more fun activities to the more serious ones, let’s start with budgets. The New Year is the perfect time to review your annual budget – or set a new one. If you’re creating a personal or family budget for the first time, or your circumstances have gotten more complicated, it is a good idea to seek assistance from a qualified financial planner. Setting a good foundation for your financial future today can help you drive your dollars further tomorrow.
6. Consolidate superannuation
If you’re seeing a professional for your financial needs, why not make the expense worth it and have your superannuation consolidated. According to the Australian Taxation Office, 45% of Australians have more than one superannuation account. By consolidating your super into one account, you can make easy savings by not having to pay multiple fees. If you’d like to consolidate your superannuation yourself, the ATO’s myGov portal is a good place to start. Find out more on the ATO website.
7. Unfinished projects
The end of one year and the start of another is an excellent time to review personal projects you’ve been working on. You might find that the one that has been lingering – not getting done or being continually put off – should be reviewed. Is there an easier or different way to do it? Maybe you should outsource it or get some help? Or does it need to be scrapped completely? Be honest with yourself and allocate your time wisely. It will save you stress and you’ll feel more productive day to day.
8. Secure your wishes
While on the subject of unfinished business… have you thought about securing your final wishes in a will? Over the holiday period, whilst connecting with friends and relatives, yours or a loved one’s legacy may come up in conversation. If you already have a will, consider if you need to update it.
If you don’t yet have a will, it’s probably something you’ve been putting off. Consider key milestones in your life – recent and on the horizon. Often these life changes are also reasons you need to make (or update) your will.
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