20% off Wills until 31 March. *T&C's apply


We exercise care, diligence, and skill in investing our clients’ money in accordance with the law and relevant internal policies.

Investing with diligent care and expertise

When investing our clients’ money, we have access to a range of internal investment funds (known as ‘Common Funds’, or ‘Funds’) designed to cater for the diverse needs of our clients.


When managing the Funds, our investment team works closely with our external investment partner, Mercer Australia, to achieve the best possible investment outcomes for our clients.

The Funds are invested across major asset classes including Australian shares, international shares, property, infrastructure, fixed income and cash.* We have also incorporated Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into the investment approach of the Funds.

Our range of Funds are available only where we act as trustee or executor or where we manage a client’s financial and property affairs and are not offered to members of the public.

*Our Funds are established and operated under the State Trustees (State Owned Company) Act 1994 (Vic.) and theTrustees Companies Act 1984 (Vic.). The Funds are invested in accordance with the law, including the requirements of the

Our funds

inveST Australian Equity Fund
Investment sector

Equities – Australia

Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
inveST Balanced Fund
Investment sector


Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
inveST International Equity Fund
Investment sector

Equities – Global

Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
inveST Property Fund
Investment sector

Real Assets

Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
inveST Diversified Income Fund
Investment sector

Fixed income – Australia and global

Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
Charitable Common Fund¹
Investment sector


Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
Common Fund No.1 (Cash) ²
Investment sector


Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download
Common Fund No.2 (Cash) ²
Investment sector


Fund profile Download
Fact sheet Download

¹For charitable trusts only

²Closed for new clients

Unit prices move up and down each day in line with market movement of the underlying assets  for each Fund. The assets are valued daily to determine their market value. All fees and other expenses are deducted before calculating the value of each unit. 

When money is invested, it ‘buys’ units in that Fund. When money is taken out of a Fund, it ‘sells’ units in that Fund. We use the ‘exit’ price to value a client’s total balance in the Fund each day. Unit prices are calculated daily.

Effective date: 26/02/2025

inveST Australian Equity Fund
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
inveST International Equity Fund
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
inveST Property Fund
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
inveST Diversified Income Fund
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
inveST Balanced Fund
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
Charitable Common Fund
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
Cash Common Fund 1
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
Cash Common Fund 2
Entry Price


Mid Price


Exit Price


Historical Prices Download
Entry Price

Mid Price

Exit Price

¹For charitable trusts only

²Closed for new clients

The two Cash Common Funds are managed as “Dollar funds”. This means the underlying price of each Fund remains at one dollar ($1) regardless of the income earned. Interest on these Funds is distributed monthly.

The investment performance in the table below represents how each fund has performed before taking out any costs.

Investment performance as at 31/12/2024

inveST Australian Equity Fund
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


inveST International Equity Fund
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


inveST Property Fund
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


inveST Diversified Income Fund
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


inveST Balanced Fund
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


Charitable Common Fund
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


Cash Common Fund 1
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


Cash Common Fund 2
1 month


3 months


1 year


3 years*


5 years*


10 years*


¹For charitable trusts only

²Closed for new clients

*The 3-, 5- and 10-year figures are average annual returns.

Important information

Past performance is not necessarily an indication of likely future performance.   


State Trustees’ Funds (including the inveST Funds) are not open to investment by members of the public or other external parties. The Funds are solely for the investment of internal money held by State Trustees Limited (AFSL No. 238037) as a trustee company.  The investment information above does not take into account the objectives, financial situation, or needs of any particular person. You should consider the appropriateness of the information and its relevance to the particular circumstances before making any financial decisions.

Frequently asked questions

What are Common Funds?

A common fund is a type of fund that an organisation, such as a trustee company, may use to pool together money it holds from different sources, to obtain a better overall return than it could if each sum of money was invested separately. The pooled money can be invested in a diversified portfolio.

What are the inveST Funds?

The inveST Funds are a selection of Funds maintained by State Trustees, consisting of four asset-class funds (inveST Australian Equity Fund, inveST International Equity Fund, inveST Property Fund, and inveST Fixed Income Fund) and a diversified fund (inveST Balanced Fund).  The range of options enables State Trustees to construct a unique portfolio for our clients based on their risk profile. As with all our Funds, the inveST Funds are available only where we act as trustee or executor or where we manage a client’s financial and property affairs. They are not offered to the public.

What are asset classes?

An asset class is a group of investments that have similar characteristics and behave similarly in the market place. Some examples of asset classes are shares, property, and fixed income.

What are real assets?

They are physical or tangible assets, such as real estate and infrastructure. The inveST Property Fund predominantly holds investments targeting the real asset investment sector.

What influences investment performance?

The performance of investments may change over time due to factors such as market conditions, market outlook and how the assets are allocated in specific sectors or stocks.  

You can take a look at the current market outlook in the download section of this page. 

How often is investment fund performance calculated?

The performance of each fund is calculated monthly. 

How are the unit prices calculated? 

The following applies to the five inveST Funds and the Charitable Common Fund:   

  • The mid price (otherwise known as net asset value) is calculated by dividing the total net asset value of the Fund by the number of units active on the valuation date.  
  • The entry price (and exit price) is calculated by adjusting for the cost involved in buying and selling units in the Fund. 
  • The exit price (and entry price) is calculated by adjusting for the cost involved in buying and selling units in the Fund. 

Whose money can be invested in State Trustees’ Funds?

Our Funds are available only where we act as trustee or where we manage a client’s financial and property affairs. They are not offered to the public.

Are returns on State Trustees’ Funds guaranteed? 

No. The investment returns of State Trustees’ funds are not guaranteed and may move up and down based on market movements. 

Aboriginal flag Torres Strait islander flag Pride flag
State Trustees Limited operates on the lands of Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge their history, culture and Elders past, present and emerging. State Trustees is committed to cultivating inclusive environments for staff and clients. We celebrate and value people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures and abilities.

Original artwork ‘Four Sisters Coming Together’ by Melissa Bell 2023