20% off Wills until 31 March. *T&C's apply

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CEO Melissa Reynolds interviewed on ‘Looking Back’ Podcast

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State Trustees’ Chief Executive Officer, Melissa Reynolds, recently joined the ‘Looking Back’ podcast for a conversation about the importance of future planning and the role…

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Why you should update your will as you age – Chris and Raelene’s Story


While thinking about death can be daunting and often overwhelming, it is so important to prepare for the inevitable so we can ensure our assets…

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A complex situation, sorted with a will – Rose’s story


Rose’s Story Creating a will when you have a complex situation can be daunting and often confusing. Whether it be a previous marriage or shared…

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Aboriginal flag Torres Strait islander flag Pride flag
State Trustees Limited operates on the lands of Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge their history, culture and Elders past, present and emerging. State Trustees is committed to cultivating inclusive environments for staff and clients. We celebrate and value people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures and abilities.

Original artwork ‘Four Sisters Coming Together’ by Melissa Bell 2023