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The importance of updating your will

23 November 2023


The importance of updating your will

Life’s journey is filled with important life moments, each shaping the legacy we leave behind. As we navigate life, it’s natural to consider how our loved ones will remember us and the impact we’ve made.  

 Just as life changes, so should your will. Let’s explore a story that may resonate with you and see how updating your will can help avoid family conflict and make things easier for you and those you love. 

Sue’s story

For Sue, creating a new will was a priority once she turned 65.  While she did previously have a will created through a solicitor, when it came to creating one, Sue chose to use State Trustees on a recommendation from friends. 

 “I am at an age where I thought I needed to get organised. My existing will was crafted when my daughter was just a year old, and now she’s 38. It was long overdue for an update. 

Given there is only me and my daughter, I didn’t want to leave her with a big mess to clean up and I knew from past experience that State Trustees had a very efficient system in place when it comes to wills. 

 The entire process was very simple and fast. I made an online enquiry and then booked a face-to-face appointment with one of the will writers. 

 With State Trustees, I could do everything. I left wishes for my funeral and made sure there were clear instructions for my assets so my daughter didn’t have to worry about any of that, which was so important.” 

When should I update my will?

As a parent or grandparent, Sue’s story resonates with those wanting to ensure their family’s future is secure. While it’s crucial to recognise the life events that trigger a review of your will, we understand it can be difficult to know what those life events are. That’s why the expert will writing team at State Trustees have created a free guide that covers the top 8 reasons that should trigger a review of your will and Power of Attorney. Download your copy for free and use it as a guide to make sure your wishes will be fulfilled, and your will remains legally valid.

Free Guide | 8 Reasons to Update Your Will Regularly

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State Trustees Limited operates on the lands of Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge their history, culture and Elders past, present and emerging. State Trustees is committed to cultivating inclusive environments for staff and clients. We celebrate and value people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures and abilities.

Original artwork ‘Four Sisters Coming Together’ by Melissa Bell 2023